


Product Variations

Offer different variations of your products, such as multiple sizes, colours, materials and more. Each variation can have its own price, SKU, weight and inventory.

SEO Product Tags

Each product can be assigned a Meta title and description to improve SEO (search engine optimisation) results.

Price Tiers & Wholesale Orders

Products can be assigned different prices for certain users and different prices for larger quantity orders.

Advanced Product Image Features

No matter the requirement, an image style will suit. Whether it’s a single image, a slider with multiple images, a large-scale image with zoom functionality or even a 360 image as the main product hero.

Embed Videos

Videos can be added for unique products.

Supplemental Information

Additional information for each product can be added such as a size chart, delivery description, warranty information and FAQs.

Related Products

A list of related products can be manually selected, automatically generated or can be displayed based on a pre-existing product list.


A list of upsell items related to the product can be manually selected, automatically generated or can be displayed based on a pre-existing product list.


Specific product files can be assigned and displayed for customers to view.

Online Auctions

Auctions can be created within our admin section with all options that are required including proxy bids. Auctions have start and end date and can be extended with last minute bids to improve sell prices.

Custom Delivery Rates for Specific Products

Products that have additional freight costs can be assigned a custom delivery rate if the standard weight cost is not acceptable for the product.

Restrict Delivery Locations for Specific Products

Products can have the delivery location restricted.

Hide Products from Search

Can stop certain products from appearing when users search the shop.

Easy Product Sorting

Products can be sorted in categories to bring priority products to the top of the list.

Delivery Matrix Control

The delivery matrix allows you to have a simple or complex delivery pricing setup. The delivery prices can be adjusted for different weights, locations and prices.

Restricted Access for Member Groups

Categories and product access can be restricted by user groups, so only the required users have access to particular products and pricing.

Unmatched Real Time Product Reports – Power Admin

The power admin section allows admin users to see additional information on products which can be filtered by date. These real time reports show the current trend of sales, the stock available and stats on all time sales.

Auctions – Outbid Notifications

When a user is outbid on an auction item the shop can send emails to advise the customer to come back and continue bidding.

Auctions – Automatic Bidding (proxy bidding)

The automatic bidding allows bidders to place their highest bid (highest possible price) they are willing to pay. Our system will then automatically bid on their behalf in increments until they reach their limit.

Gift Cards

These can be created for promotions or purchased by customers as a gift. Gift cards sold to customers can have their expiry dates and available prices customized.


Coupons can give customers discounts, free shipping or free products if they meet certain conditions.

Product Personalisation

Personalisation is when customers can add printable areas consisting of alphanumeric characters to apparel, balls, bags and more. The admin section can be used to add specific limitations and adjust options for each printable area.


Bundles allow products to be grouped together and sold, usually at a discounted price.

Out of Stock Notifications

Customers can request to be notified by email when a product comes back into stock.

Promotional Pricing

Promotions can be ran where all product prices are reduced by a percentage over a set period of time.

User Group Pricing

Different user groups can be assigned a percentage discount off all products.

Variations Pricing

The shop allows for each variation of a product to have alternative pricing.


Customers can add products to their favourites so they can quickly access them in the future.

Size Charts

Size charts can be assigned to products to assist with selecting the right fit.


Products can display warranty information.

Product Lists

Product lists are a group of products which can be displayed where required.


Multiple Locations

Stock can come from multiple warehouses and be combined to make up the total available stock.

Stock Override – Imported Stock, 3rd Party Stock

Stock can be manually overwritten so that the stock may be different from the stock system it is syncing with.

3rd Party Integrations

The shop can integrate with third party vendors like Netsuite, Vend, Swift POS and Dant.

Orders – Picking, Packing and Fulfilled

As businesses have different processes for handling orders, the shop allows customisation of the order process when it comes to picking and packing.



20 reports containing detailed information on orders, products and stock. In addition, custom reports can be added ifsomething more specific is required.

Traffic Sources

Traffic sources help to identify where your traffic and sales is coming from. Also an inbuilt commission is calculated if required.

Abandoned Carts

Abandoned carts are orders that have made it to the payment page, but have not completed their payment. Admin users can view these abandoned carts information.

Website Content


Sliders are large hero images loaded into a carousel and can be used for presenting key information. The shop allows you to set the image, text and link address for each slider.


The shop has many automatically generated emails that are customisable for your specific shop. The emails include successfully signing up to the shop, completing an order, when the order is dispatched and much more.

Website Content Pages & Areas

Content pages and areas allow admin users to change the content on their website without needing to know how to write code.


Tiles are images that can link through to areas of interest, like product categories.


The blog section of the website is useful for stores that blog information and share on social media.

SEO Friendly & Social Meta Tags

The shop has the ability to set Meta data that helps with SEO. In addition, when pages are shared on social media they show useful information.


Frequently asked questions can be set up to address some common questions that customer service gets asked to reduce support costs.

Store Redirects (URLS)

The shop allows for admin users to redirect pages. This is sometimes required when an older page has been replaced at a new website address.


Allows admin users to create popups as a video, image, or HTML content.

Instagram Feed

The shop can integrate with Instagram to display a selection of images.



Orders can be fulfilled manually, or with a 3rd party service such as Australia Post.

Manual Orders

Manual orders can be placed in the admin section, usually for phone payments.

Package Types

Package types are used for Australia Post order fulfilment. Admin users are able to enter package information, this speeds up the process of assigning size and weight to each parcel.

Picking Slip

Picking slips are generated for selected orders to get all the required stock from the warehouse ready to place into orders.


Seamless Cross Device Experiences

The shop can be viewed on any device, whether it’s desktop, tablet, mobile or even high-end 4K monitors and Smart TVs.

Customer Groups

Customers into different groups, these groups are targeted to allow special pricing and show certain categories or products.

Import Products & Stock

Import products and stock from Microsoft Excel or 3rd party services.

Multiple Access Levels

Give access only to those who need it. Admin users can have different permission levels assigned to them.

Scalable Architecture

Using best practise object oriented code hosted on AWS servers that are ready to scale at any time.

Premium Hosting Architecture

The shop uses AWS (Amazon Web Services) servers to host the main site and code along with S3 (Simple Storage Service) for all images.

Delivery Address Validation

Address validation to confirm your orders are accurate and easy to ship.